Sunday, 30 March 2008

Tezuka Kunimitsu +//+What makes a smile+\\+ Intro


this will be how you look like:

Happy with how you look?
Yay great(:
Now on to Tezuka and the other Regulars...

And this is Tezuka:

And this is the Chibi version of the Regulars:

From Left to Right, top to bottom: Ryomo Kaidoh Eiji Oishi Fuji Tezuka
but I guess most of you should know already yeah(:
Now back to you:

Your name: Hideyuna

Age: 14 going on 15 soon(same ages as Tezuka)

Year/Class: Year 3/Class 1(same as Tezuka)

Height: 5' 5"

Likes: - Sticking up for friends
- her cap
- (secretly) being praised
- Navy Blue
- skull motifs
- shorts and sleeveless shirts but nothing too revealing,
- tennis
- Inui juice
- loud music

Dislikes: - Disloyalty
- people calling her 'Hideyuna'
- bright/flashy/flourescent colours
- ribbons/bows and skirts
- being restrained

Personality: -Tomboy-ish(as seen in the picture)
- natural-born trouble-maker
- very loyal towards friends
- is actually kind and warm towards new friends but is often misunderstood(we'll see that often in the story
- usually with earplugs in ears blasting your head off with loud music
- is the leader of a street gang
- skilled fighter(the streets teaches you alot of things).
- Orphaned since as long as you can remember, with only a cap left behind by either one of your parents
- Doesn't bear grudges, unless severe
- An attitude you can't handle(which gets you in trouble more easily)

What you'll usually say: -"PLEASE!! Just call me Yuna
- "I don't go looking for Trouble! Trouble usually comes to find me..."
- "Don't you dare touch my cap!"
- "You've gotta have more than that, don't you?"
- "Look, dude, what part of ->insert whatever here<- do you not understand?"
- "You played with matches, now you're gonna taste the fire!"
- "Ahhas." (expect this very often)

It'll be explained more clearly in the story(:
So now I'll go on to write,
sorry if it's a little OOC, I still cannot imagine Tezuka smiling though, but I'll try my best(:

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